Are you tired of talking about your problems and just want them gone?
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About Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a fast and simple approach that works.
Learn how to use hypnosis with your children, give them the gift of confidence, help them deal with bullying, school or just life in a positive mindful way.
Hypnosis is just as effective in many other areas of our lives, including but not limited to weight loss, anxiety, PTSD, and stop smoking.
Hypnosis differs from traditional therapies where you have to spend a lot of time (and money) on a weekly basis to see any tangible results, a lot of talking and a lot of going over the past.
Are you tired of talking about your problems and just want them gone?
Hypnotherapy is for you!.
It is a wonderful tool for life.
If you would like to talk with me about something you would like to work on, please click the button below to schedule a free discovery call and I will look forward t speaking with you soon.
Specialising in Birthing and Breastfeeding in Trance
My passion in life is midwifery. Allow me to show you how to listen to your unconscious mind and embrace your body and your birth.
The Hypno Birthing concept is not new, but rather a “rebirth” of the philosophy of birthing as it existed in the beginning of time.
Teaching that in the absence of fear and tension, pain does not have to be the focus during birth.
A gentle reminder that birth is a natural process.
When you birth, you will be in a natural birthing trance. As the women before you, well before we had medical intervention.
Fully in control of your mind and body.
Able to feel your body, moving as your body and baby guide you to do so.
Your birth your way in an atmosphere of calm relaxation, free of the fear and tension. Your muscles functioning as nature intended them to.
In this calm state your body’s natural anesthesia, endorphins, replaces the adrenaline that constricts and fights the natural process of birth. Read more.
Therapy is available in person or over Skype and Zoom

Using Hypnosis, you can change your mindset.
People suffering from anxiety, stress, anger management problems, fears, phobias, low confidence, and insomnia have experienced amazing outcomes with the help of hypnosis.
Learn how to use hypnosis to give your children a wonderful stress-free life.
Sometimes we become so accustomed to the habit we are doing (like smoking) that it’s hard to make that change without a little help. Hypnosis is highly effective in aiding with this change, without any pills, patches, powders, or potions.

We all have the ability to forget pain. Sometimes we just need to find that ability again.
What does that mean?
Close your eyes just for a minute.
Imagine you have just broken your arm and are in so much pain that you can’t focus on anything but that pain.
Now you see a lion running across the yard straight at you.
Where’s that pain gone?

Life after children
You can enjoy sex just as much in your 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s and yes 80’s as you did in your 20’s
Loss of Libido can have devastating consequences in a relationship. READ MORE
*Kids take up so much time
*So tired
*Lack of privacy
*Too old
*Just life getting in the way
You can remove the beliefs and behaviours that are exacerbating the problems learn how to release those hormones and let it all happen as naturally as it used to.